2025 03 24
Https www alamy com kim jong un also romanised as kim jong eun or kim jung eun born 8 january 1983 or 1984 is the incumbent supreme leader of north korea as of 28 december 2011 he was officially declared the supreme leader following the state funeral for his father kim jong il he is the third and youngest son of his deceased predecessor kim jong il and his consort ko young hee from late 2010 kim jong un was viewed as heir apparent to the leadership of the nation and following his fathers death he was announced as the great successor by north korean state television he is a daejang in the korean image344246569 html (Typ pliku jpg)
Kim Jong Un Also Romanised As Kim Jong Eun Or Kim Jung Eun Born 8 January 1983 Or 1984 Is The Incumbent Supreme Leader Of North Korea As Of 28 December 2011 He Was Officially
Https www alamy com kim jong un also romanised as kim jong eun or kim jung eun born 8 january 1983 or 1984 is the incumbent supreme leader of north korea as of 28 december 2011 he was officially declared the supreme leader following the state funeral for his father kim jong il he is the third and youngest son of his deceased predecessor kim jong il and his consort ko young hee from late 2010 kim jong un was viewed as heir apparent to the leadership of the nation and following his fathers death he was announced as the great successor by north korean state television he is a daejang in the korean image344278575 html (Typ pliku jpg)
Kim Jong Un Also Romanised As Kim Jong Eun Or Kim Jung Eun Born 8 January 1983 Or 1984 Is The Incumbent Supreme Leader Of North Korea As Of 28 December 2011 He Was Officially
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